A 5.2a Identifying Functions
The following is an exercise in identifying functions of design problems we might encounter today. For each problem, I have identified not only what the design is supposed to DO, but also what functions those actions might translate into.
Problem: We need a way to provide housing to people displaced by natural disasters.
◦ What do we want to DO?
▪ Protect from elements
▪ Protect from thieving
▪ Set up quickly
▪ Stay in one spot
▪ Be inexpensive
▪ Hold multiple people
▪ Hold multiple people comfortably
▪ Allow for basic electrical use
▪ Stay warm enough
▪ Stay cool enough
▪ Allow for circulation of air
▪ Allow for people to enter/exit
▪ Provide for biological needs
▪ Food storage
▪ Sleep
▪ Bathroom
◦ Functions
▪ Attach
▪ Temporarily
▪ Permanently
▪ Protect from biotic factors
▪ Animals
▪ Fungi
▪ Protect from abiotic factors
▪ Excess liquids
▪ Winds
▪ Gasses
▪ Fire
▪ Ice
▪ Temperature
▪ Prevent structural failure
▪ Buckling
▪ Deformation
▪ Fatigue
▪ Melting
▪ Manage structural forces
▪ Thermal shock
▪ Impact
▪ Tension
▪ Turbulence
▪ Mechanical wear
▪ Chemical wear
▪ Compression
▪ Coordinate
▪ Groups
▪ Systems
▪ Provide ecosystem services
▪ Regulate habitat response to disturbance
▪ Regulate water storage
▪ Regulate climate (small scale)
▪ Store
▪ Bulk solids
▪ Energy
▪ Liquids
▪ Distribute
▪ Liquids
▪ Gases
▪ Energy
▪ Expel
▪ Solids
▪ Liquids
▪ Gases
Problem: Our laptops are too noisy.
◦ What do we want to DO?
▪ Open and shut
▪ Process data
▪ Visualize data
▪ Input data
▪ Store data
▪ Stay cool enough
▪ Stay quiet
▪ Stay where we put it
▪ Stay dry
▪ Fit in our laps
▪ Use a battery
▪ Hold a charge
▪ Fit in a bag
▪ Weigh enough to carry easily
◦ Functions
▪ Attach
▪ Permanently (on hinge)
▪ Temporarily (on latch, also on table/lap)
▪ Protect from abiotic factors
▪ Dirt/solids
▪ Chemicals
▪ Temperature
▪ Manage structural forces
▪ Thermal shock
▪ Impact
▪ Tension
▪ Compression
▪ Prevent structural failure
▪ Buckling
▪ Deformation
▪ Modify
▪ Light/color
▪ Energy state
▪ Electron transport
▪ Generate/convert
▪ Electrical energy
▪ Mechanical energy
▪ Radiant energy
▪ Send signals
▪ Light
▪ Sound
▪ Tactile
▪ Electrical/magnetic
▪ Sense signals
▪ Touch and mechanical forces
▪ Electricity/magnetism
▪ Compute/Learn/Encode/Decode
▪ Store
▪ Energy
▪ Distribute
▪ Energy
▪ Gases
▪ Expel
▪ Gases